This book is based on the papers presented in the second Transcultural Encounters Conference that took place at the University of Oulu in June 8th–9th, 2017. The theme of the conference was Understanding Humans in Change. This conference was organized by the TCERC, Transcultural Encounters Research Center.
The conference focus area, Understanding Humans in Change explores the complex dynamics of the global, digital, environmental and economic change on current human interaction and on communities and cultures over time. The research identifies and explains the reasons, processes and practices involved in these changes, shows how humans adapt to them, and predicts the effects they will have on humanity in the future.
Conference Welcome: Transcultural Encounters II (8.–9.6.2017)
Kuisma Korhonen, Maija Kallinen, Kari Alenius &
Henry Oinas-Kukkonen, Humans In Change: An Introduction
Part One: Identities in Interaction
I Cultural Networks as Communal Resources
Olavi K. Fält, Informaatio voimavarana: Yokohama ja Oulu
kansainvälisen informaation kohtaamispisteinä kaupunkien
perustamisesta 1870-luvulle
Summary: Information as a resource: Yokohama and Oulu as meeting points of international information from the establishment of the towns to the 1870s
Ville Hakamäki, Cultural Contacts and Contact Areas in the Late Iron Age Dwelling Site of Pirttitörmä, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland
Jari Okkonen, Naapuruudesta samuuteen – Näkymiä Pohjanrannan esimoderneihin yhteisöihin
Summary: From intracultural diversity to shared uniformity – An overview of pre-modern societies in the coastal area of Northern Ostrobothnia
Karen Niskanen, Rock Art and Cultural Interaction in the Mesolithic and Early Metal Period in Northern Fennoscandia
II Constructing Identities
Saulius Kaubrys, Lithuanian Identity in the Border Regions in
1918–1939: Ways of Expression, Challenges and Threats
Kari Alenius, Poland, Hungary and Romania in Finnish Schoolbooks in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century
Esko Nevalainen, Using Liberty and Reformation for Understanding Change: The Example of the Scottish Covenanters
Marika Rauhala, Graecia capta, Roma rapta? Hellenisation and
Roman Identity in the Expanding Empire
Annariina Seppänen, “We have a lot of really bad dudes in this
country from outside”. Immigration Frames and Immigrant Labels
in the 2016 Republican Party Presidential Primary Election Debates
Part Two: Facing the Change
III Encountering the Other
Jyrki Korpua, The Germ of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Fantasy – Elements of Kalevala in Tolkien’s Fiction
Pekka Kuusisto, Bakhtin, World Literature and the Chronotope
of the City
Päivikki Romppainen, Palimpsestic Writing of Trauma in Paavo
Rintala´s novel Aika ja uni (Time and Dream)
Henry Oinas-Kukkonen, Eurooppalaispakolaiset loitolle – siirtolaisvastaiset vaikuttajat vuoden 1940 Alaskan kehittämislain pysäyttäjinä
Summary: Keep European Refugees Out – The Anti-Immigrant Leaders Against the Alaska Development Act of 1940
Mirette Modarress-Sadeghi, Tutkija vierailla mailla –
Pohdintaa kulttuuriperintöprosessista ja arkeologisen tutkimuksen
Summary: Researching in a foreign country – reflections on heritage process and decolonisation of archaeology
Sanna Kristiina Salo, The End of the Fascist War and the Role of the Germans: Two Different Interpretations
IV National Interests and the Pressure of Internationality
Hanna Aranne, The Problems Related to Non-recognition of a State and the Protection of the Finnish Citizens in Manchukuo in 1932–1941
Anna Järvenpää, Friendship and Trade Under the Shadow of
Prejudices. Finnish Relations with Mexico 1917–1964
Zhenyan Xi, The Appraisal of China’s Economic Rise and Its
Soft Power Status Quo in Europe
Joni Partanen, Are Radiation Studies a Bridge-Builder? The Radiation Effects Research Foundation and Its Collaboration With the Soviets in Chernobyl at the End of the Cold War
V The Northernness – A Challenge and a Resource
Hanna Honkamäkilä, From the Northern Lights to the Spread
Spectrum: How Researching the Northern Sky Led to World-class
Radio Technology Excellence at the University of Oulu (1959–2004)
Sirpa Aalto, Anna-Kaisa Salmi & Ritva Kylli, Long-term Changes
in Northern Finnish Food Culture
Matti Enbuske, An Ideological Attempt to Create a Swedish
Superpower in the 1600s – the Tornio Valley Rune Stone as a Part of Gothicist Historiography
Maria Julku, The Interaction Between the King and His
Office-Holders During an Arctic Military Campaign in Early
17th Century Sweden