Anna-Mari Matela, Traditional and changing pharmacy – history of Raahe’s first pharmacy in 1920’s and 1930’s
Since the end of 19th century, the branch of pharmacy has changed a lot. New innovations in medicine, development of industrial drug production and the rise of market economy, only mentioning some of the main reasons, forced pharmacies to give up old traditions that had featured their functioning hundreds of years. In Finland, the most crucial changes were dated in the early decades of 20th century, precisely between the state became independent in 1917 and the outbreak of Winter War in 1939. In this article I handle that important period of finnish pharmacy history by introducing the most essential results of my master’s thesis; Perinne ja muutos apteekin arjessa. Raahen I apteekin historia 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla. (University of Oulu, 2009.) The main focus of the study is in local history of Raahe’s first pharmacy, but almost everything said can be generalized in the finnish context of pharmacies’ history.